Pet Transferring

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What are some of the methods of transferring a pet
from one home to another?

Transferring options are:

Monthly Free Transfers (100% safe)
Transfer via the site Pound (highest risk)
Transferring via direct adoption link (risky)
Transferring via use of the World Traveler (100% safe)

What is the Monthly "Free" Transfer, and how do I use it?

Each month members are "gifted" one free pet transfer per month.
(This gift does not accumulate and will reset each month to a total of 1.)
To use a transfer, you would go to the Transfer option in the Pound area. Enter the name
of the member you wish to send a pet to. The member will then be sent a site mail
informing them the pet is waiting. They have an option to accept, or decline any
pet sent. If a pet is accepted, it will be sent to its new home automatically,
never entering the pound area.

** Champion member are given 2 extra transfers per activation period.
(This means any unused transfers will disappear when the Champion Account expires.
This perk applies to 7 Day and 30 Day accounts).

Why is transfer via the Pound considered a high risk?

To transfer via the pound would mean for one party to place the pet in the pound,
and the other to go and directly adopt. This is a risk (highest of the options)
because once a pet is placed in the pound, it is available for any site member to adopt.
Members using this method need to clearly understand that should another person pick
up that pet, staff will not step in to correct the issue. The site Pound is open to all
users and any pet adopted from that area is theirs to keep.
(Placing notes on a pets profile as to the intentions of its final home, is a good idea,
but will not insure, nor force a member to send the pet on to its intended home).


What is a "Direct Link" adoption and how does it work?

A Direct Link adoption is one where a link, directly connected to the specific pet,
is used to make a transfer a little more safe then just placing the pet in the pound.

The best way to use a DL Adoption is to have the member accepting the pet
make the link ahead of time and open a new tab with the link pre-set.
The 2 members can then set an arranged time for the pet to be moved.
The member accepting the pet should "refresh" the link tab continually until
the pet is received.
HOWEVER .. when using this link, it is still possible for another member to adopt
the pet. This could happen from a multiple of situations. Examples, if 2 parties
are refreshing for the pet, or if the member refreshing is "slow" or their computer
"lags" or  "freezes". When using this method the pet DOES go to the pound and will
sit available until the connecting link, or another member picks it up.
Once again, if this happens, staff will not step in to retreive the pet, or place it
in the intended home.

Adopt Link

remember to change the "PETNAMEHERE" to the pet you are attempting to catch.

What is the "World Traveler" method, how does it work, and why is it 100% safe?

The World Traveler is an item used for a pet transfer. This is a great solution
to safely move a pet if all of the monthly "free" safe transfers have been used.
The item is purchased in the site Credit Shop for 25cr. You can purchase this
item as many times as you would like. Each item has a one use limit.

The member "sending" the pet would need to activate the item on their end, and
the member "receiving" the pet would need to have an open slot.
To make the transfer, the item is activated and the member sending the pet
then goes to the Pound, and chooses the Transfer option. Once there, the member
can assign a new account home to the pet. The new home then is sent a site mail
notifying that the pet is waiting for "pick-up". This pet never enters the pound.
This makes the World Traveler transfer, 100% safe.