Pet Facts

Comeil Facts

Comeili have extremely long eyelashes to keep sand out of their eyes. Likewise, they have very long nose and ear hair in order to keep these orifices clear of any debris.

A Comeil's eyesight is extremely poor; they are only able to distinguish simple shapes as well as light from dark.

They rely heavily on their sense of smell. It helps them to locate water, food, predators, and anything else that they may come across. As everything has its own unique smell, Comeili "see" the world in scents.

Each individual Comeil has a very unique scent. A Comeil's scent can reveal its age, gender, size, color, health, and several other traits.

In the Comeil world, a scent is as good as a name; when greeting one another, a Comeil will momentarily mimic the other's scent.

As Comeili don't have sweat glands, they rely on alternative methods of cooling off. They often expel great quantities of heat through their large ears as well as their bellies. Their undercoat of fur also retains water from frequent baths in oases, which acts as make-shift sweat.

Their large, flat feet function like snowshoes in that they disperse the Comeil's weight over an area large enough to prevent it from sinking in the sand.

Baby Comeili (also known as Kindle) don't have the proper feet to walk on top of the sand, so they normally ride on the backs of their parents until they mature enough to keep from sinking into the desert.

Comeili store "water" in their hump by changing it chemically to combine with fat from food. This fat is enough to sustain them for up to a month. Even so, they prefer never to stray too far from oases, as they are very cautious about depleting the stores in their humps.

Kindle's humps are only able sustain them for one or two days, so families are born and raised in the safety of oases. Once they mature enough to journey out on their own, they leave in search of a new oasis to begin a new family.

Comeili often stick to small family groups known as Flocks. Due to the scarcity of resources in the desert, these groups usually only include two parents and one or two Kindle. However, for reasons still unknown to researchers, Comeili will on rare occasions gather in Flocks numbering in the hundreds.

While the horns on their noses are sometimes used for battle, Comeili most often use them to dig through the sand. Usually they are merely uncovering plants, but every now and then, their superb senses of smell detect rare treasures.

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